Change log

View the change logs here!

In version 4, there are some breaking changes that would require your attention


The Discord parameter has been removed.

This has resulted options being the second parameter.

Buttons are now set to true by default.

In the previous version, v3, buttons were a new feature to Discord, and not everyone liked having them. That has caused it to be false by default. However, buttons now look more better than messages. Besides this, Discord has announced that the message content intent will become a privileged intent soon.

Result has changed

When a game ends, it returns an object. The object itself hasn't changed, but the properties and it's value has. Look in this chapter to see the new returned object.

That is all the changes we have. Now let's talk about new features.

New Features

Added an option for transition

This new feature allows you to have more control on how the game transitions. This transition effect is used when someone selects an option, and the embed changes. This feature was added because many people did not like the message being deleted and re-sent. This option only accepts 2 values, which is edit and delete . This option defaults to delete

Added an option for emojis

We added an option to add your emojis. Please note that custom emojis will not work since the emojis are placed in a single-line code-block. Using a custom emoji would return the following: <emojiname:emojivalue:> A . You may still use unicode emojis or symbols.


The split and doubledown option not working

In the previous versions, there were some issues that the doubledown and split option will appear regardless of the setting. This has been fixed now.

Double Aces causing mayhem

In the previous versions, when an ace occur, it will default the value to 11, and if it exceeded 21, it will default to 1. This caused some error in the code to make some Aces (that were already valued as 1) to go as -10. This has been fixed now.

Split not splitting properly

This error was not a real error, but rather a mistake from the developer's side. In previous versions, once you split, you can only deal one of the hands, and if that hand goes over 21, you automatically lose without switching to the other hand. This has been fixed.

Last updated